Mission Success!!
Thank you to all of our contributors including those who donated to the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce and the Darlington Recreation Department. All of your love and charity was greatly appreciated and the Darlington County Humane Society and we at Presents for Pets thank you.
Goal of Presents for Pets...
The goal of presents for pets is to provide gifts for the disadvantaged pets that have been abandoned or left at the Darlington County Humane Society. We hope this gesture will extend the warmth of the Holiday Season and to provide the Humane Society with resources that will help with the care of homeless animals during this joyous season. Enabling displaced animals to live richer lives as they await adoption from hopeful pet owners is the wish that we share as concerned animal enthusiasts.
Rationale of Presents for Pets...
Celebrations are a big part of our holiday festivities. Pets that are not a part of a family are often left without tender love and care. This holiday season, Ms. Lunn's English V class would like to be a part of the spirit by giving Presents to Pets.
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